North Bank

#1: CobraGirl - Queen of De River DeNial
#2: Damsel - Doyle's Denying Damsel
#3: The Crone of Elderfen - Keeper of the Portal Theory
#4: Cate - Queen C
#5: rmichelle
#6: Sonya - High Priestess of Denial over Doyle's Death
#7: Gabby Spike - She Who Stockpiles Glitter in Preparation for The Return
#8: Princess CC - Doyle's Princess
#9: Jewels - Keeper of Doyle's beer until he returns
#10: Becky - Doyle Worshipper
#11: Prism - Prism
#12: Torra - Evil Goddess Of Doyle Art
#13: shannon - lost-n-lonely
#14: Diana Michelle - She Who Sees The Future And Thus Knows Doyle Is Not Really Dead
#15: Ianna Kierr - The Conspiracy Theorist of Evanston
#16: Skye - Protector Banshee of True Heroes
#17: jaime - she who will never get over it
#18: Pandora - She Who Is Going To Rip Joss A New One If Doyle Doesn't Come Back Now
#19: Tigger - She Who Will Not Rest Till Doyle Returns
#20: Hildymac - A Pesky Croc in DeNial
#21: april - She Who is Forever in Denial
#22: babygirl - She who is drowning in denial

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